How Many Miles?

How I will Remove 150000 Pieces of Microplastic From My Body

Yip, read on to find out why and how I need to remove 150000 pieces of microplastic from my body.

Earlier this summer I was invited by the CEO of Plastictox (the world’s first and only commercial blood test for microplastics) to have my blood tested for microplastics and, as the title gives away, the test results revealed the presence of three microplastic particles per millilitre in my blood – translating to an estimated 150000 nanoparticles of plastic in my body… wait, what, I hear you shout!

Being told that this was actually within the normal (or the new normal) amounts did nothing to alleviate my shock (was I really that shocked though?) and my disappointment. Although I have been writing (recent blog on #PlasticFreeJuly) about plastic pollution and I am generally more aware of the sources and risks, I had hoped that I would be clear. In truth, however, the results were not unexpected. Despite making some changes, my exposure to plastic is still high (as is most likely yours) and in this blog, I am going to go into detail about why I had this pioneering test, how the microplastics most likely entered my body, what risks this brings, and explain my strategy to detoxify my body and to prevent future contamination . 

Why I Took the World’s First Commercial Microplastics Blood Test

A combination of curiosity and concern for my well being, fuelled by my increasing knowledge of plastic pollution and my promotion of #PlasticFreeJuly (if only my body was plastic free), propelled me to partake in the world’s first commercial microplastics blood test from Plastictox. I am not a stupid person, but I had for most of my life wilfully ignored my increasing use of plastic and I had not fully considered its impact on my health. But as my knowledge increased so did my fears. And those fears were justified. Having taken a blood sample and posted it to a lab in Amsterdam, I waited anxiously for the results. A few weeks passed and then the results were in.

My test result showed that I had 3 pieces of microplastic in my blood test, which consisted of a finger prick of blood, suggesting a concentration of 30 P/ml which extrapolates to 150000 pieces throughout my body.

That revelation is a tad unsettling, showcasing a considerable presence of microplastics in my body which is not that surprising when research indicates that microplastics ubiquitously permeate our environment and are increasingly detected within human tissues. A test in 2022 identified microplastics in the blood of 17 test subjects out off 22. (1).

Microplastics infiltrate our bodies in a multitude of ways

So, we know that our bodies are likely (it is estimated that only 20% of people are still plastic free) contaminated by microplastics, but what are the sources and the associated risks?

Studies underscore the presence of microplastics across our environment, signifying extensive exposure risks.

Health Hazards Associated with Microplastics

But what are the risks?

While research is still emerging, microplastic contamination has been linked with a spectrum of health hazards, including:

Recent investigations suggest that microplastics can precipitate grave health concerns, although the protracted ramifications remain under scrutiny. However, I think we can all agree that having hundreds of thousands of pieces of plastic in our body doesn’t sound too healthy.

So how do we rid our bodies of these invaders?

Detoxing Microplastics

To rid my body of  microplastics, I am adopting several strategies and you can also do these:

The  efficacy of these methods in reducing and removing the microplastic burden within the body should be high, and hopefully, if I can consistently apply these strategies, I will be able to remove the unwanted plastic from my body. But like with plastic pollution in general, it’s not enough to remove what’s there, we also have to turn off the tap and reduce the amount we are potentially absorbing.

Preventative Strategies

To mitigate future contamination, I am adopting the following practices:

Get Tested and Join Me in the Fight Against Microplastics

Would you be inclined to discover/confirm whether microplastics are present in your blood? Would the results galvanise you to adopt changes to your lifestyle? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The good folks at PlasticTox have kindly provided the code MICROPLASTICTEST for a $15.00 discount and free shipping on your microplastics test from Plastictox. Together we can detox our bodies of microplastic. I will be retesting my blood in two to three months to see if I have in fact been successful in my attempt to remove 150000 pieces of microplastic, and I’d love to hear how you get on.

And I am still on the hunt for support for One Sky Collective if you are a developer, a designer, or even a sugar daddy/mommy who wants to help empower people to reduce, reuse, recycle and generally live more sustainable lives.


  3. Occurrence of microplastics in commercially sold bottled water – PubMed (
How I will Remove 150000 Pieces of Microplastic From My Body was last modified: August 13th, 2024 by Stephen Morrison
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