How Many Miles?

I really don’t know what I am doing in the Gym

Yarr…. I don’t know what I’m doing!

No, it isn’t Talk Like a Pirate Day, but instead it is Stephen’s first day at the gym and like Captain Horatio McAllister, in The Simpsons, I really don’t know what I am doing!

The day started well. I had breakfast (which is something that I too often miss) and I managed to resist the vending machine in my work. And when I say resist, it didn’t even cross my mind and that, on its own, warrants a wee fist pump.

Even walking past endless rows of sweet laden desks didn’t bring out the sweetie monster in me.

By 2.00pm, I was feeling hungry and prior to hitting the gym, I stopped off at my local sandwich shop and had a chicken panini. Not the best choice, but not the worst either and a lesson learned. Although I do not have a lunch break (I work part-time) I will bring food with me. Especially as it is my intention to head straight to the gym.

Which I did today and which did not go quite to plan.

I walked in and although I had spent time in it before with Teresa, I felt like a nervous child entering high school for the first time. I felt alone and I was not sure of my surroundings. I did not know where to go first and even as I entered the changing rooms, I felt like I was trespassing and the onset of a headache (more of that in a moment) did nothing to settle my nerves.

For the past four years I have ran and although I have tried many sports, I have never felt comfortable in a gym. Lack of knowledge, confidence and experience. Hopefully all three will improve as I keep going and as I enlist the help of my Personal Trainer friend Spencer Peek, who works in Pure Gym.

Hiring a PT to guide me in the first few weeks seems like the most sensible approach. I will learn what machines and weights to use and I will have a planned workout for each visit.

But, back to today. My headache became worse and I decided to just do some light cardio. I spent 30 minutes cycling and 20 minutes walking. I tried to run, but my heart was not in it and my headache was not allowing it. For a brief second I lost focus and I nearly slid off the back of the treadmill. Luckily I came to my senses and recovered before suffering any further embarrassment.

Not the best first visit to the gym, but it will not deter me and I will find a way to enjoy it.

Tonight’s dinner was a red Thai curry and I resisted crisps and sweets. I should be going to bed reasonably happy and reasonably early (for a change). However, I am a numbers man and today’s measurements reinforced my need to alter my lifestyle. Yet, again.

As expected my weight, BMI and body fat percentage were as high as they have been in four years. At 234lbs and a Body Fat Percentage of 34%, I have a long way to go.

Also worrying is my blood pressure. At 133 over 90 it is on the high side and I will need to monitor this. The only relatively encouraging measurement was my resting heart rate . At 45 beats per minute, it gives me hope that if I can reduce my blood pressure and weight, I should have a healthy heart and potentially a longer and more active life.

Tomorrow is Day 2 and my goal is to add some more fruit and vegetables to my diet.


I really don’t know what I am doing in the Gym was last modified: October 9th, 2016 by Stephen Morrison
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