How Many Miles?

Best Sleep Protocols with Simba and Bryan Johnson

Best Sleep Protocols

All my aches and pains of late have made me reflect on my age and my family history of not living very long (there is actually a mortality theory called the “Glasgow Effect”). Heart disease, cardiac arrest, brain aneurysms, and cancer have claimed far too many ancestors, friends, and colleagues…

Glasgow Effect

And, if I’m realistic, it is a fate that likely awaits me, unless I act and take a different path.  And act, I have. Again.

Back to the Future

Back at the start of 2011 weighing in at 354lbs, I hit rock bottom with a picture being the final straw. I decided to turn my life around. I researched all the latest science on fat loss, took what I felt would work for me and  embarked on a journey that saw me shedding 174 lbs within a year, completing a marathon, and becoming a try athlete.

My protocols were rigid but effective. Intermittent fasting was my cornerstone, allowing me to control my caloric intake without feeling deprived. I walked up to 25,000 steps daily (read about it here), a feat that kept me physically active and mentally focused (I would do a lot of thinking and planning on my walks). My diet was monotonous, consisting of the same foods every day, which simplified meal planning  and ensured a consistent mix of proteins, fats, calories, and occasional sugars. I also relied on a stack of supplements to complement my dietary and physical activity protocols.

I measured every aspect of my life. I reviewed every change I made. Ditching anything that didn’t add value

It changed my life. This blog was born and all the adventures I’ve had as a try athlete stem from that decision. If I want my future to be a healthy one, I have to go back and learn from the past.

History Repeats (hopefully)

Once again I have recognised and accepted that what I have been doing hasn’t worked. I went searching for answers and inspiration. I stumbled upon Bryan Johnson’s anti-aging protocols on YouTube. He has dedicated his life, wealth and body to discovering and sharing how we can reduce aging. His videos are inspiring, albeit some of his methods seem a bit extreme. But they do work for him (see his results below) and I wanted to see what elements I could introduce into my lifestyle.

While I won’t commit (just yet) to taking over 100 supplements or stop eating at 11am every day there was one change to his life that Bryan Johnson regularly shared that was the most important.  He believes that good sleep is the foundation of overall health. Inspired by this, I decided to research his best sleep protocols and overhaul my sleep environment and behaviors. I treated myself and my girlfriend to a new Simba Hybrid mattress while Simba Sleep were very kind to gift us a new Simba Hybrid duvet, and a pair of Simba Hybrid pillows.

Simba Hybrid Pillow

You can read my review of the Simba Hybrid duvet here and the award winning pillows work in a similar fashion. One side is cooler and with each pillow being made up of five layers, you can experiment to find out which combination of these  five layers of cool is most comfortable for you. I prefer a firmer pillow while Teresa likes a softer cushion. With Simba pillows, we are both happy. Currently priced at £127 they are NOT cheap, but Simba state that their “Renew” super soft pillow fibres are designed to be super comfortable and to keep their shape and stay fluffy. Tiny titanium Aerocoil springs provide support and act as little mini fans pushing cool air through the pillow increasing the cooling effect.

And another reason that I love working with Simba Sleep is their commitment to sustainability

Make Sleep Your Priority

I’ve also listened to Bryan’s advice to prioritise my sleep. Too often, I would stay up late working on One Sky Collective, watching “Yellowstone” and writing blogs. Now, I turn my laptop (even with its blue light filter) and mobile phone off at around 10.30pm and go to bed, regardless of any work outstanding or what dramas the Dutton family are experiencing. If I am struggling to sleep, I will resist the temptation of doom scrolling on my mobile and read a book until I feel ready to sleep. Of Bryans best sleep protocols these are the ones I’ve been able to adopt and sustain the easiest.

One of Johnson’s more controversial recommendations is for couples to sleep in separate beds or even rooms to improve sleep quality. While this might be a no-go for many, including us (says me), it’s hard to ignore its potential benefits. We all have different sleeping patterns and preferences. Sleeping separately removes such variances. With my notorious snoring, I’m more worried my girlfriend might agree to this idea and remove me to another room! However, with our new Simba mattress and hybrid pillows and our consistent bedtimes we are sleeping more soundly and less restless.

The Awakening

Since upgrading to Simba bedding and adopting new behaviours, we’ve experienced numerous positive changes. Our sleep quality has improved, resulting in more energy and better moods throughout the day. We’ve found ourselves eating less, being more active, and maintaining a sharper focus. Less grumpiness is an added bonus, making it a win for everyone.

Integrating new habits inspired by Bryan Johnson and others has been an enlightening journey. While some of his methods might seem too extreme, the core lessons, particularly about sleep, resonated with me and have made a significant impact. 

In another blog (or two) I’ll update on my best sleep protocols and discuss the supplements, diet and exercise protocols we’ve adopted and how they are impacting both of our lives.

I am focused on not making this another failed attempt to regain my fitness and confidence and I hope you’ll continue to follow my journey this year as I add more personal posts.

Best Sleep Protocols with Simba and Bryan Johnson was last modified: May 27th, 2024 by Stephen Morrison
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