How Many Miles?

The Long and Winding Road

Throughout my weight loss journey, I’ve had a friend that has supported me every step of the way, motivating me and often encouraging me to get and get out without ever judging me. 

That friend was my pedometer. My trusty sidekick that I snapped onto my waistband each and every. morning. Prior to my Epiphany, I was a sedentary office worker who took the bus from directly outside my house to the front doors of my work while I spent my weekends being chauffeured by my wife. Even having dogs resulted in minimal energy expenditure as i normally took them to a field across from my house and let them run about, convincing myself that they enjoyed this more than going for a walk.

When looking back, it’s amazing the excuses I used to explain my lethargy and my eating behaviours. Other than some childhood issues (that most likely still affect me) most of them were lame. In truth, it wasn’t my sleep apnoea, or my sore knees or my sore back that led to my inertia. It was my inactivity that was to blame for them.

So, armed with my new resolve and my pedometer I walked and I walked.  I took my dogs out, the neighbours’ dogs out and even took their kids out. I walked to the shops; I walked to  work: I waked everywhere often taking detours and long cuts home in order to add more steps. I even walked up and down the stairs before bed to increase my steps.  I then recruited some colleagues to join me in a Step Count Challenge and started to take walking really seriously. No more complaints as I trailed my wife through the local shopping mall and often I’d be sitting in a car and suddenly ask the driver to pull over and let me out so I could walk the remainder of the journey home. I had created a monster.

But, the weight was falling off in in no time at all, I was saying Goodbyeii 5-0 to 50lbs of fat. Not quite ready to be a cover model in Men’s Health or to strut along a Hawaiian beach in speedos, but people were staring to notice my transformation. As the compliments increased, so did my confidence. My gains in stamina, strength and fitness only increased my desire to progress even further.

I became even more focused on my goals and started to consider the new opportunities that lay ahead. I started going to the gym more, took Pilates and Thai Boxing classes and I never looked back……..although, maybe I should have, as someone was being left behind in my wake.

The Long and Winding Road was last modified: July 4th, 2014 by Stephen Morrison
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