How Many Miles?

#1PercentMore- A Spogo Challenge

SpogoUK have set me the challenge of coming up with this week’s #1PercentMore Challenge. Over the past few months we’ve seen amazing efforts at planks, burpees, wall squats and various other body weight movements. The times set and the repetitions recorded have been fantastic and although I’ve usually found myself in the lower half of the Spogo leaderboard, I’ve enjoyed the Challenges.

Now, it’s my turn and my #1PercentMore Challenge is simple. Imagine if we could encourage 1% of the population to be more active. Not those that are already physically active, but those that are relatively sedentary and even those that do some activities. What impact would that have on the health of the nation?

I’m asking each of you to encourage, inspire and/or introduce someone to a new activity. Make them (and you!) a Try Athlete. Post updates of your efforts (and hopefully successes) on social media, using #1PersonMoreActive and let’s get more people, more active, more often.

Small steps and small changes. It could be walking more or playing with the kids more. Getting onto a bike or into a pool. Anything that gets them (and you, remember) moving, just a little more.

One step at a time and one person at a time.




#1PercentMore- A Spogo Challenge was last modified: August 6th, 2016 by Stephen Morrison
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