How Many Miles?

How Do I Get Fit with Decathlon UK?

How do I get fit

How Do I get Fit.

Well, it’s Never One Thing

My friend Rannoch cites this at every opportunity and it is a maxim that I personally love. It is also the secret to my current success (hope that I am not being too over confident as it has only been a few weeks).

You might have noticed that I am swimming a lot as I prepare for Swimathon. That I am generating a lot (ok a few) MOVES for the #LetsMoveForaBetterWorld Campaign and that I am feeling and sounding more confident and more upbeat.

My diet is on track. While not perfect, neither is it weighing me down (pun intended) and I am now easily resisting the urges that I used to succumb to daily. Eventually, the urges will disappear (well, that’s the plan/hope).

But it is how I get fit when I am not swimming and when I cannot get to the gym that is helping me not just to change my body shape , but also my lifestyle and my mindset.

Whether it is not wanting to go out in terrible weather or being idle and viewing a night in as an idyll, I have a backup system to keep me on track.

I spend 10 – 15 minutes on the simplest bit of kit. A piece of kit that is not necessarily trendy but which is reliable and effective.

A step!

Domyos Essential Step- a blast from the past


Taking more steps saved and changed my life, so it seems only right that it is steps that I turn to when I need a to get my blood flowing and my pulse racing (o.k maybe just quite raised).

For anyone carrying a bit of weight, this body weight maximising piece of kit is an ideal purchase that will not break the bank but which should see you break a sweat.

You can do it from the comfort of your own home and you don’t need any fancy training gear, although I do not like doing this feat in my bare feet (I am now howmanyhomonyms) and tend to wear trainers.

And it goes a little something like this…..

It only takes takes me 12 minutes and according to my Garmin, it burns xxx calories while this routine of steps, squats, high knees and lunges all target and tone my lower limbs.

This DOMYOS Step Platform was gifted to me as part of my role in the Decathlon Bloggers Community Blogger, but at £17.99 it is a great addition to your home work out kit.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be showing you the other pieces of simple (and relatively cheap) kit that I am using to get myself fit at home while there might also be a chance for you to show us how YOU get fit and to win some Decathlon kit.

#HowdoIgetfit #DecathlonUK #HowmanyMiles


How Do I Get Fit with Decathlon UK? was last modified: March 29th, 2018 by Stephen Morrison
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