When I first started this blog I never knew where it would lead me. I’ve become a Lay Adviser and blogger for the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine and I now blog about all things running for Great Run. I get to provide regular content on physical activity for my pals at SpogoUK while I am also looking forward to supporting the British Obesity Society and the great new magazine Man V Fat. And I am finally a MARATHON RUNNER, having completed my first 26.2 miles (I lost count of how often I asked myself how many miles I had left) in Copenhagen I love guest blogging, but it’s time to resurrect “How Many Miles?”. It’s time to come home from my busman’s holiday. Home, for me, is Glasgow and this summer Glasgow will be home to athletes, officials and spectators from across the world as it hosts the 2014 Commonweath Games. As I’ve transformed, I’ve also watched my home city transform. Like my own journey, there have been hiccups. We’ve both had to knock down barriers and, at times, we both have had our detractors. There have been mistakes, but neither myself nor Glasgow have given up and come this summer we will both be looking better than ever. Like Glasgow, I have benefited from the tremendous support of those around me. The success of Glasgow 2014 will be dependent on its amazing army of volunteers as much as on the sporting prowess of its participants. I missed the deadline for Frontrunners last year and felt others were more deserving when I was nominated as a Baton Bearer. However, in March, there came along an opportunity to play my role at Glasgow 2014 and I am delighted to announce that I’ll be regularly bringing updates and adding my perspective (for what it’s worth) on the Games. For I have been invited to join #Team14. Glasgow 2014’s fourteen strong team of bloggers, each reporting on various categories linked to Glasgow and the Games. www.adventuresaroundscotland.com will be posting about Glasgow/Scotland and Events while others like www.longstraightwalk.co.uk , http://glasgowdaybyday.com/ , http://www.glasgowmummy.blogspot.co.uk/ , http://www.eclecticcake.blogspot.co.uk/ , http://spoldham.blogspot.co.uk/ and www.paulamusttryharder.co.uk will be covering categories including the Baton Relay, News, Lifestyle and Photography. I’ll be covering Sports and Events with updates here and on Twitter at @howmanymiles_ Look out for #Team14 on all of our posts and I hope you will follow and enjoy my/our ramblings
Commonwealth Games #Team14
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